Essential Tips for Car Shipping: Step-by-Step Guide

Essential Tips for Car Shipping: Step-by-Step Guide

Owners may not find the idea of driving their car for thousands of miles across several states just to go to their destinations appealing. If you’re one of them, the good news is that there are shipping companies that can handle the logistics of your automobile, especially if it’s your dream classic that you can see more about on this page here.

Numerous reasons exist why many people decide to ship their cars somewhere far away. It could be because of a major move to get to their new jobs, sending help to their family member who is starting college in a faraway school, or maybe they’ve just bought a rare find from a distant seller. Regardless of the reasons, you have the option to get the services of a car transport carrier that will handle everything for you.

While shipping may seem like a herculean task because of the various paperwork, manpower, arrangements, and drivers involved, it doesn’t have to be. All you have to do as a customer is to call a provider, provide the information they need, and they will pick up your car from a designated location. All you have to do is to track it and ensure that it arrives safely. Some of the steps that you can take to make this happen are the following:

1. Do Research

Start by looking at reputable companies that have complete insurance, licenses, and a track record of satisfied customers on various websites. One of them can be the Roadrunner car transportation company, which is registered with the Department of Transportation and accredited by a lot of other providers. You just need to know more about their current pricing, customer service, and reviews, so you can make an informed decision.

2. Request Quotes from Them 

After narrowing your choice to about three or four transport carriers, see which ones provide a comprehensive package and coverage at an affordable price. You can also list their fees, cost per mile, and make sure that there are no hidden expenses. Get estimates by keying in your vehicle’s make, model, size, as well as your preferred destination. The cheapest ones may not be able to provide you with the safety and peace of mind that you need, so know the terms first before agreeing to their offers.

3. Gather all the Necessary Documents

Transporters will require proof that the vehicle being shipped is yours, and this is where you need to prepare all the necessary documents like the bill of sale, original title, driver’s license, insurance, and registration information to make everything a more hassle-free process.

Any chip on the exterior and interior will be carefully documented, and pictures will be taken. Choosing the open carrier option will mean that any pre-existing damages will be documented and listed, and these include scratches, dirt, discoloration, and dents. This is why it’s essential to clean everything before the shipment date.

4. Get Most of your Personal Stuff Out

Relocation will mean that you might find yourself running out of space with the van that you’ve hired, and it can be tempting to ship all the extra ones with your car. However, this is highly discouraged as stashing the boxes of belongings and other personal effects can make them prone to theft and damage. Insurers may not cover them, and it’s vital to remove your sunglasses, chargers, old Chapstick, water bottles, junk, IDs, and other devices that you might have forgotten in the trunk and seats.

Insisting on leaving them behind will mean that they can get exposed to other people, as well as the inclement weather while they are being transported. Leaving your toll stickers can also mean additional charges, so don’t keep them attached to the windshield.

On the other hand, it’s best practice to keep the license plates intact for easier identification, as well as the emergency kits and spare tires, so repairs can be made easily. See the post about these kits at this link:

5. Routine Maintenance is a Necessity

Essential Tips for Car Shipping: Step-by-Step Guide

Inoperable cars can be transferred with the help of forklifts, but they can’t be driven by assigned drivers to your doorstep. They are more expensive and will require more manpower, so be prepared with the price tag that comes with them.

Thoroughly clean your car so inspectors can easily see if there are damages. Use a soft microfiber cloth or sponge to avoid scratching the colors and prevent water spots by drying the surface areas completely. Vacuum the inside including the floor mats, consoles, and dashboards, and make sure to clean the mirrors and windows, as well.

Inspections should be performed on well-lit areas and provide a detailed description of your vehicle’s size along with the photos. Any excess weight and loose items should be removed. Fluid levels like the coolant, engine oil, and transmission should be at adequate levels, and make sure to address any leaks. Batteries should be secured so the vehicle can easily start, should be tightly fastened and fully charged.

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