Why is Spaced out learning becoming popular?

Everything you’ve been told about how to learn is wrong. You don’t need a textbook, the internet, or even a lecturer. Research has shown that if you want to remember something for the long term, it pays to space out your learning sessions. ncert solutions for class 11th can be practiced with this technique

What is spaced out learning method?

The theory is that periods of consolidation in your memory are followed by ‘super compressive’ gaps when little information from previous sessions can still be retrieved from your brain. This means you can go back to review what you learned at spaced intervals and greatly improve the retention rate of information in your brain.

After becoming a huge success in the business world, it was then adopted by students for ncert class 11. The Spaced Learning technique is based on the concept that if you study one fact, you will forget 97% of it within 20 minutes if you do not review that fact before moving on to the next one.

The technique also found that if you wait at least five times longer than your first interval before reviewing something again (e.g. after five days for each new topic), you can store about 80% of tips or ideas in your long-term memory and retrieve them much easier at a later date.

Spacing can be used in multiple ways to learn something effectively: by breaking down a subject into chunks (e.g. 10 minutes each), or by reviewing learning in different ways, such as repeating and combining information differently.

The learning techniques are explained in the book “How to Learn: The Art of retention”. 

Spaced repetition is an application of spaced repetition to learning.

In very simple terms, the concept is that if you repeat certain amounts of information over some time, after a while you will remember that information more easily. It makes perfect sense if you think about how we learn things and why we forget them. 

Most of what we learn is forgotten because we don’t practice it enough and spacing out your practice sessions helps reinforce that information in your memory. If you don’t do something for long enough, you forget it. The idea behind spaced repetition is that if you repeat something slightly after some time, say a day, then again the day after that, then the next day and so on, you end up increasing the amount of time between each time you see this information, eventually resulting in days or weeks apart.

How does the technique work?

It also uses spacing to help with new information. This can mean learning material on a schedule based on how familiar you are with what you’re learning. If you just learned something new, then you would space your reviews out a lot longer than you would if you knew it already.

Spaced repetition is also used in an adapted form with flashcards, where after practising a card for the first time, the user is prompted to see it again later in the day, then again the next day and so on. This way of using spaced repetition is highly effective because it takes advantage of our natural ability to recall information with greater ease when we are in similar contexts or environments as when we first saw that information (see context-dependent memory). Spaced repetition can even be used for learning vocabulary which can be done by looking at words once every few days. This can be used as an effective way of learning if you spend ample time in the morning reviewing your flashcards, every day until you have reviewed them all.

Spaced repetition, also known as continuous spaced repetition, is a method of learning that involves presenting material to the learner in small chunks at fairly constant intervals. It is specifically geared towards remembering information for the long term and does not necessarily cause memory loss. Spaced repetition proponents argue that by presenting information multiple times at different intervals after initial memorization, it is possible to retain more of each piece of material. After the material is learned for the first time, it is never seen again, except for after additional spaced repetition. This type of learning is called self-study learning. Spaced repetition can be used as a way to review material at any time in one’s life.

A famous example of this technique was Jacques Hadamard, who was known for his idea of visual memorization. He would memorize a new formula by drawing it in his hand and then looking at it multiple times in succession. After he would get tired of the formula, he would come back to it when the thinking became more sluggish or when he had not done so recently.

It is a variant of the learning method. It is known as monitoring the learning process. It involves reviewing material for brief periods, at intervals ranging from one to ten minutes.


To study its mechanism of storing information into long term memory, psychologists are conducting a lot of research in that area and developing different strategies to develop memory. This can be done by using special techniques and also by studying the process of learning but there cannot be any doubt that long-term memory is essential for any individual or even a group of individuals because it is an indispensable feature for people who want to lead successful lives. You can take help from Infinity Learn


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