Learn Standard Poker Hand Rankings

You might have seen many people enjoying card games. There are 52 cards in the pack and individual card has some or the other type of ranking from high to low starting from Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2. Always remember the fact that there is no ranking between suits like the ace of hearts will be equal to the Ace of spades. The famous poker hand ranking game will have 5 cards and you need to arrange from highest to lowest rank.

The ranks of the cards can be based upon the following:

Royal flush: This is the highest poker hands that consists of the ace, king, queen, jack, and 10.
Straight flush: It is the kind of flush where all the five cards are of the same suit that too in a sequence, if there are two straight flush sets then a set with the higher top card will be considered to be higher.
Four of kind: If the person gets 4 cards with the same ranks, like out of five cards you get 4 cards with the same rank but with different suits and the fifth card is different. The combination of 4 cards with similar ranks is known as ranks. To choose which is higher, the set of four cards is compared to come upon the decision.
Full house: In this, the person gets three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank. To get the higher one, the set of three cards on each side is properly compared.
Flush: In this, the person gets the cards of the same suit. When comparing two sets of cards, the higher cards in the pack are compared to come on the result of the highest one.
Straight: In this, there are missed suits but in a sequence. The comparison is made in the top-ranking cards to know which one is better.
Three of a kind: There are three cards of the same rank and two other cards. The combination of such can be known as triplets. In this, the other two cards are compared to each other just to get the higher set value.
Two pairs: In this, the person gets two cards of equal ranks and one different card. In this, the last card is compared to each other to get a higher value.
Pair: It is a pair of cards that have two cards of equal ranks and three cards that do not match each other. The odd cards are compared to each other to get to know the higher one.
High card: If all the five cards are not forming any sort of combination, each card is compared with others and whosoever beats them more gets to win.

This is how a person can get to play poker hand sequence. Understanding each type of sequence that the person can get is the best way to enjoy this game. Surely, almost every person will like to play this game.

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