How to Prepare a Pitch-Deck for Investors

Once you’ve decided that you need money to build your business, your job as a pioneer is to persuade investors to give you money. A pitch is an initial step in the direction, and getting it right is critical to your company’s future success.

A pitch deck is a presentation used to propose a concept to potential investors. The organisation of a pitch deck depends on the investor audience. The deck will be used throughout face-to-face or virtual meetings with prospective investors, clients, collaborators, and co-founders.

1. Collect Your Data

Begin with gathering all of the data that your deck will most likely require. Make a list of your answers to the following questions. 

Rather than rushing through the development of your deck, you should spend more time studying, testing, and perfecting the business. You only get one nibble at the fruit with most investors. Don’t squander it by showing up half-baked.


Look more into the business operations. What are the things that need improving? How will your product meet the market demands? Or rather, how are you handling the competition. For instance, if you have new kitchen designs, what are the product’s prospects making it to the market. 

2. Concentrate on Your Presentation

You need to apply some emphasis to your presentation once you have all of the details needed for your deck. Instead of focusing on what you want to talk about, emphasize what your investors need to hear.

Maintain the necessary details of your explanation without digging deeper. If the audience wants to learn more, they might ask questions or conduct additional research. If it’s not absolutely necessary, don’t dive into the technical intricacies of your product. Moreover, don’t be shy about stating the obvious. Things that are evident regarding your business may not be all your investors. So ensure to cover them.  Each slide, every word, and insight in your pitch must compete for attention. Be ruthless with your concentration.

3. Do a Logical Organization

Now you must organize all of your ideas into a logical structure. You won’t be able to limit yourself to just one deck. Diverse decks are required for different situations. An overall pitch deck cannot work on all the pitches that you will be invited to. You’ll have to alter your deck constantly to fit the time they provide you. You should never feel compelled to hustle or stall to meet your deadline. You’ll also need to tailor your presentation to each group.

Consider your pitch as a narrative. Data is significantly less memorable than narrative, especially when imbued with emotions. Draw the narrative to suit the audience. Let them resonate with your brand. 

Consider using cards to help you see your presentation holistically. Cards help you see what’s missing, which points you should start with and how the presentation follows based on relevance.

4. Consolidate the Work

This is the most straightforward phase. You’re familiar with all of the slides in the presentation, why they’re there, and what you’ll say about them. Go ahead and consolidate those slides now. Begin by creating a blank slide with the teeny-tiny text from each card.

Start focusing on the actual content for the slide, which should be limited. Even for authored decks, the slides must be straightforward and uncomplicated. For presented presentations, the audience needs to be capable of reading it in a few seconds from across the room. When someone is reading a presentation, they aren’t paying attention to what you’re saying. The weight of your words far outweighs the text on the slide. 

5. Do a Final Check on the Presentation

It’s time to start honing your pitch to a razor’s edge. Ensure you know the content thoroughly and out if you’ll be giving the pitch orally, whether face-to-face, via video conference, or via recording. Capture the message you wish to give rather than the words you’ll say. 

Every slide’s message and the goal should be internalized. The sole exception is the beginning, which can cause stumbles if you don’t know the first few phrases by heart. Continue practising until you can convey the pitch in your improvisation phrases continuously within the time frame.

The Bottom Line

Due to the stiffness of the competition, your pitch must be outstanding. Take the time and put in the work to make yours sparkle. You might even discover that going through this procedure helps you simplify your company’s perspective. Pitch decks help you to expose your business to the right people and get you funding to further your course. So it’s a worthy investment. 


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