All you need to know about 24 Volt Battery

All you need to know about 24 Volt Battery


The availability of 24V batteries is more limited than that of 12V batteries. The cost of 24V batteries is likewise high. However, they use less space than connecting additional batteries in series. Therefore, a single 24V battery would be a better option for you if space is an issue.

Application of 12 Volt vs. 24 Volt Battery System:

Understanding your power needs to run the appliances you require is essential when creating a DC (direct current) battery system. Watts are units used to quantify how much energy a gadget uses. You may decide what system is needed after you know your desired watts.

You can typically get away with a 12V system if your needs are less than 3000W.

Advantages of 24 Volt Battery Systems:

The use of short diameter wire and a two-fold reduction in amperage are advantages of 24V systems. The cost of wiring and the amount of area required to run cable can be decreased by using smaller diameter wires. Where extensive wire lines are necessary, this is especially crucial.

But hold on, what do you have to do if you need to run a thinner cable at a higher voltage;

A wire 2x more petite than an equivalent 12V circuit may be run. This is so that the same amount of power may be produced at a greater voltage with less current. We may utilize a smaller cable since we generate less power or amps. Power is transmitted over power lines at extremely high voltages for the same purpose. The cables can transport a lot more power while being much, much smaller!

Higher voltages, such as 24 or 48 volts, are highly advantageous for developing more extensive portable solar power systems. The solar system for Geo Astro RV has thousands of watts.

In addition to having shorter cables, 24 volt systems run motors and inverters more effectively. Frequently, a solar charge controller that runs on 24V instead of 12V may take twice as much solar input.


This additional component of technology is required because the system in the RV is a 24-volt one. It is a converter from 24 to 12 volts of DC. Although it provides steady voltage exceptionally well, there is an additional expense and a 4% power loss.

A converter is required to lower the voltage to 12V if a 24V system is used with 12V equipment. There are not as many different parts and gadgets available for 24V as for 12V.

Although a vehicle’s alternator may be used to charge a 12V battery, doing so with a 24V system if the frame is a 12V system is not possible. To complete this operation, more DC-DC converters are required.

Final Thoughts:

The amount of heat that is lost is inversely proportional to the square of the present times the resistance. If everything else remained the same, losses on 24 volt battery would be half those on 12 volts. Therefore, if you can physically install two batteries, a 24v system is always preferable to a 12v system.


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